2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

In 2010, there were 49 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 134 posts. There were 34 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 2mb. That’s about 3 pictures per month.

The busiest day of the year was May 31st. The most popular post that day was FAQ.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were aureform.com, new-uu.blogspot.com, facebook.com, the-ucu.blogspot.com, and twitter.com.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for liturgical calendar, palm sunday, palm sunday pictures, liturgical calendar 2010, and american unitarian reform.