
We Forgive You, Saint Nick

Nicholas of Myra punching Bishop Arius at the Council of Nicaea

Nicholas of Myra punching Bishop Arius at the Council of Nicaea

The birth of Jesus Christ may be the “reason for the season,” but for millions of children the man of the moment is Santa Claus.

While it is widely known that the Santa Claus of Christmas is derived from St. Nicholas, few know much about the original Saint Nick beyond the fact that he did not live at the North Pole, own flying reindeer, or employ a workshop full of elves.

Nicholas was a political ally of Athanasius of Alexandria during the Church intrigues of the 4th Century that led to Trinitarianism.  And, like Athanasius, he is rumored to have come into power at an absurdly young age through dubious means.

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We Forgive You, St. Nicholas

Nicholas of Myra punching Bishop Arius at the Council of Nicaea

Nicholas of Myra punching Bishop Arius at the Council of Nicaea

While it is widely known that the Santa Claus of Christmas is derived from St. Nicholas, few know much about the original Saint Nick beyond the fact that he did not live at the North Pole, own flying reindeer, or employ a workshop full of elves.

Like his political ally Athanasius of Alexandria, Nicholas of Myra is rumored to have come into power at an absurdly young age through dubious means.

The legend begins with Nicholas as a young man either rescuing an overboard sailor on his way back home from studying in Alexandria, or calming a sea storm with his prayers after visiting Jerusalem.  His ship then made port in the city of Myra.

At this same time, the bishop of Myra had died and one of the church leaders was instructed in a dream to choose a “conqueror” as the next bishop. The root of the name Nicholas (Νικόλαος) is nike, meaning “conquest” or “victory,” so when astounded sailors spread the name Nicholas around Myra the leaders of the church felt they had no choice but to elect Nicholas as bishop. Continue reading