
Post-Cynical Religion Part One – Christian Cynicism

While many churches — all along the political spectrum from conservative to liberal — offer a naïve comfort that turns a blind eye to the cynical realities of the world, AUR refuses to offer “salvation on the cheap” through sin-dumping confessional conformism or sin-denying celebratory relativism.

Reform Unitarianism recognizes that true Christianity (and, indeed, true religion regardless of its sectarian idiom) is post-cynical, and its comforting truths lie on the other side of a blood-sweating struggle with self-preservation, social/psychological instinct, and the “unchallengeable” sacred cows of culture.
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Notional American Unitarian Reform Church No. 3

This is the third in a series of light-hearted signs for hypothetical American Unitarian Reform churches, created using an online image generator. I hope to show a range of attitudes and ideas all possible within the scope of AUR.

Today’s notional church is named in honor of the First Apostle, Saint Andrew of Capernaum. The twin fish represent not only one of the earliest symbols of Christianity, but also Andrew’s trade as a fisher. The message is a translation of the first verse of the Gospel of John that more closely captures the theologically significant grammatical distinctions in the original Greek.



Notional American Unitarian Reform Church No. 2

This is the second in a series of light-hearted signs for hypothetical American Unitarian Reform churches, created using an online image generator. We hope to show a range of attitudes and ideas all possible within the scope of AUR.

Today’s notional church is named in honor of the Councils of Tyre (335) and Antioch (327) which defended traditional Christianity against the conflationism of Hosius and Athanasius.  Its message — appropriately, a gentle poke at the conflationist Trinitarian doctrine of coeval personae — is modeled on the humorous moral rhetoric found in many Protestant Trinitarian church signs.
